You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

34 weeks pregnant - An update and a baby bump pic

34 weeks pregnant!! Yay! One week closer to D-day, or D-date... for due date. Yesterday I weighed in at 147.2. That's about 22-23 lbs gained so far. Pretty steady still. 

Here is a pic from today. I am not very good at the baby bump pics.

I have been feeling like CRAP lately. I'm sure I am perfectly healthy and it all has to do with the annoyances of the third trimester, but other wise


I am EXHAUSTED. Yesterday my husband did a tattoo and they left just after 3. I laid down and slept over an hour. Then didn't get off the couch till around 6 when we went out to dinner with my husbands parents. (They took us out for our anniversary) Then I came home and sat on the couch till I zonked around 1130. 

I woke up at 830 feeling EXHAUSTED and when my husband left at 10 I laid back down and slept till ONE PM!!! Ugh.

Feeling completely exhausted I ate a small lunch and went for a walk. Despite being tired I logged 4 miles. It was GORGEOUS outside today. mid 40's, sunny, very spring like but chilly which I love. The fresh air and sunshine made me feel much better thank goodness.

I have had almost no appetite for the past few days. I just feel crummy. I thought you were supposed to love food when you were pregnant, and I have had a not so great relationship with it the entire time. My stomach feels swollen and full, and I have been feeling pretty nauseous. 

Thank goodness I have a bunch of these bad boys. Totally made for pregnancy. It's about all I have been wanting to eat.

And my hips hurt like the dickens! Because I have been so tired I have been sitting more, which has angered my left hip immensely which makes me not be able to sit, but Im tired, but I can't sit...

Its a vicious cycle which makes a pregnant lady very angry. 

Anyways, Monday was my anniversary! Two years of marriage for me and my wonderful husband. 

My son drew this picture for Abraham. My stick figures have gotten pretty round lately. I'm not too sure why I don't have hair. 

But we look so in love!

Kind of resembles this one. You can even see the heart radiating from our hand :)

And this is what we made for dinner on Monday. Yes, I hid a piece of bread from this pic to make my self not feel so bad about the amount of bread I ate. This is similar to the same meal we ate the night after we got married, but much less expensive, and minus the big bottle of wine

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