You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Monday, January 26, 2015

33+4 Weeks pregnant and running and over it

I am 33 +4 weeks pregnant. This means 33 weeks and 4 days. Why does it matter to tack the 4 days onto the end of the weeks? It does. It just does! Because every day closer to your due date is one day closer to not being pregnant anymore.

I asked my Dr. the other week what he thought about when I would deliver and he said 2 weeks early. I follow a 2 week early trend with my pregnancies. I can't imagine what it would be like to be one of those women who follow a 2 week late pattern, always delivering at 41-42 weeks.. I'm sure I'd go nuts. So this puts me at a due date of Feb 26th, which is exactly one month from today. What what!

Man do I complain a lot about how much I hate being pregnant. I'd like to say I'm being over dramatic and that it's not really that bad, but I'm not. I hate it. And what makes me even worse of a person is that I have a very healthy pregnancy so it really isn't as bad as it could be. But all in all I am still so over it. I am over the constant aches and pains and 'harmless contractions' 23 hours a day. I am over being so large (I have gained about 27 lbs so far, but I hold it all in my face. Yes, I have gained 5 lbs a baby and 22 lbs of face). I am over not being able to run how I would like. Or doing yoga or push ups or going for a hike or walking up the stairs... or bending over. Getting up from the couch on my own. Tying my own shoes. Or any of my favorite hobbies really. (And I really miss my favorite post workout hobby of an ice cold IPA) And I miss my energy. I can honestly say I would be happy to sit on the couch all day at this point, and that's not like me. Embrace it, right?

But GOSH DARN if I don't love the babies. Some people enjoy the preceding 9 months, and fear the rest. I loath the small glimpse in time of being uncomfortable, and man do I love those little people that greet us at the end of it all. 

For instance, my almost 2 year old just became very fond of the word no. I just looked over and asked him what he was watching on the TV, he happily responded "NO!" and went back to watching. ADORABLE! :)

But I am thankful to still be "running" as some of you may call it. I can still log 3-4 times a week, 2-4 miles at a time, average of a 10:30 mile, depending if I am running alone or with people. I have found I am significantly slower if I am carrying on a conversation, but I enjoy it more then running alone for sure. I have such great runs sometimes, and then awful ones to follow. Something I have yet to understand. 

On Saturday I was able to meet up with my sister and we joined a group run. I got in 4 miles and felt really good afterwards. Not too achey during and like I could have kept going when I was done. Then I taught an hour power yoga class afterwards. You wanna see something funny, watch and 8 month pregnant lady transition from downward dog to warrior I in one fluid motion. Ha! Again I felt good, but I started getting this pain in my lower right side of my belly that I get sometimes. Didn't think much of it. So after such a good run on Saturday I was very excited for my miles on Sunday, but at about 1/2 mile that pain started to come back. I slowed my pace and practiced slow deep breathing, but at 3/4 a mile I had to stop. I stretched and relaxed, determined to finish at least 3. I started my trot back up and the pain was instant and persistent. I turned around and thought I could at least head home in case it didn't subside. It didn't. So I walked it out till I hit a mile, annoyed and frustrated that I have been able to complete marathons, but a mile was kicking my preggo butt. I started jogging again when I hit a mile and just figured I would tough it out till I got home. I made it 1.5 miles. Wow... 

On the plus side, I wasn't running this late with my last pregnancy. I think I only made it till 31 weeks or so before I stopped. But that was due to the weather mostly, as I apparently only birth babies in the winter. So I AM thankful to still be up and at em. I really am. I'll take the day off today and do some foam rolling and a light HIIT workout. I have become very fond of the Nike Training App. I do the 15 minute workouts, but I make mine more of 20-30 minutes. They do the moves back to back, and I slow down and take 30 second - 1 minute rests in between so my heart rate doesn't get all crazy. 

The light at the end of the tunnel is almost here and I cant wait to say hi to another little boy in my life!

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