You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

21 weeks pregnant- an update!

I took this picture last week of my pregnant belly. So this is at 20 weeks pregnant. Half way! I look much smaller then I feel, cause I feel huge!

I have gained exactly 10 lbs as of this morning. I weigh myself everyday just to check progress. I have always been a weigh everyday lady. I don't obsess over it, I just like to know, you know? The funny thing is that I have literally gained 4 lbs in the past week/week and a half. I'm not sure what happened, I don't really feel like I have been eating more but maybe I have. My boobs have definitely grown this week, and my belly is getting so big! But I seem to have leveled off at 135.4 for right now.

My hips freaking hurt!! It doesn't hurt if I stand/run/walk, so I do that most of the day. Sitting hurts like hell most of the time, and I wake up many times during the night in pain, but I can manage to turn over and it helps. I have a very large body pillow that my husband bought me that helps a lot. I also bought a maternity belt yesterday. I wore it around the house a little, and on my run. So far I like the way it feels cause it hugs my hips really tight and supports my lower back. I'll progress report about it later. But daily yoga, walking or running, light strength training, and staying off the couch helps my sciatica, I think something else is going on with my hip though, which is probably the cause of the sciatica.

I started running again. only 3-5 miles at a time, several days a week. I'll talk more about running in another post, but it helps a lot.

We finished the mural on the babies wall, and by we I mean Abraham. I painted the wall grey and he did the trees and the verse. It says "He will cover you with His feathers and under His wings you will find refuge." Psalms 91:4. Then we waited until we found out if it was a boy or a girl to paint the birds. So guess what! We are having a boy! Abraham painted the birds blue. But on the left there is 1 pink bird, which is me, and Abraham and Corbin and the baby, which is right under me. Abraham and Corbin have glasses. It's so cute. I also bought a really cute sham and bumper pad from the thrift store for $4. We just need a crib mattress. The crib was free, cause it was left in the basement of the house from the old owners. Its used but in really good shape. The rocker we bought from the thrift store for $7 I think. My parents gave us a dresser they found on the side of the road and we are going to combine the boy's clothes and use it as a changing table. I think its coming along nicely. I really want a rug or carpet or something for the room, but man those are expensive, and the ones at the thrift store are usually gross.

And here he is! He is yawning in this pic. His arm is placed next to his head (the light part below the head) and you can see a foot in the top right. He is about 11 ounces, 6 inches long. He is breached in my belly, but they said he would probably flip around. He was moving SO much in my belly during the ultra sound it was so cool watching it. It's our 2nd, and last, ultra sound until he is born, February 20th is still the due date!

We have named him Patrick Benjamin Cordova. Patrick for my dad, Benjamin for Abraham's dad.

Corbin loves to talk to my belly. He hugs it and says "I love you even though your naked."

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