You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

32 weeks pregnant- a week of no running

So I haven't been running since last Sunday and it is now Sunday again. Depressing. I am 32 weeks now. I posted a picture on my Last Post with a pic of my big fat belly on Christmas. It looks HUGE in that picture, but it doesn't feel that huge, just on most days :)

Stats right now- 32.5 weeks pregnant. weight- 146.6 as of this morning. So that is about a 21-22 weight gain so far. My goal was to stick around 25 (25-35 lbs is normal weight gain for someone my size pre-baby) but with 7-ish more weeks to go, I am assuming Ill gain about 7 more pounds. So my new goal is no more then 30 lbs. 

I have been feeling alright. A little more tired then I have been, but I think that is because of the strain of the holidays. Last night me and the little man both crawled into bed just after 9 and read. He zonked around 10 and I zonked just after 11 and I still didn't manage to wake up till just before 9. :/ 

At one point, as I was reading to myself he said "Mom, can you stop reading now. I can hear your thoughts and they are kind of annoying"

I love that kid.

One thing that I HAVE been feeling lately that I haven't up to this point is the weight. My legs are getting more tired sooner. Walking up stairs, standing up (where did my ab strength go!), anything really. I FEEL heavy which I haven't felt yet and this effected my running for the first time the other day. 

I set out for a run. I was HOPING for a 5 miler. Big hopes I guess. After being disappointed by the unplowed path near my mom's house, apparently they only plow the popular parts, and almost slipping 3 times, I turned back towards the road (her neighborhood is full of huge hills minus the wonderful path that follows the river) and tried a little road action. Unable to do the hills, feeling heavy, and having a foot sticking through my stomach most of the time I circled back home with a total of .85 miles at a 12 min pace. 


But I came back to some family snow love. 

This is my son and my niece getting ready to go down the hill in my moms back yard. 
How freaking cute are they.

Then that evening my mom took us to COSI as Corbin's birthday gift. 

This is him in the LEGO exhibit on the kings chair. He chose this pose. Those are transparent LEGOs behind him. COOL!

So yesterday, as I have been feeling anxious about no outdoor energy expenditure, I made my husband and son go for a hike. We got like, 4 more inches on top of what we got a few days prior and it was a winter wonderland for sure. 

He is still skeptical about whether he liked it or not. I'll bring it out of him one day. 

My husband is a little skeptical too. Ill turn him around also.

Snowball fight! 

I don't snowball fight these days. Its too hard to bend down over and over.

Walking back DOWN the big hill. He didn't know how to get down so after several tries, he decided this was the best method. Oh child....

The funny thing was that after our 40 min or so walk (and how fast can you go with a 6 year old and a pregnant chick) my legs were exhausted like I had just gotten in a solid 10 miler. The weight, the hills, who knows, I have hiked many times before pregnant. I am going to try to get out again today, but the wind chill is like 15 or so today. So we will see. 

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