You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Runner's world running streak and right now resolutions

So I missed my run today. UUUGGGGHHHH....

That's how I feel about it. Cause I missed my run on Friday also. I was okay with missing my run on Friday because my legs really wanted me to miss my run, but I had zero intentions of missing my run today. So that isn't much of a running streak is it. :/ I just had N.O. time today to run. I woke up at 8:15. I should have woke up earlier, but it has been so hard to drag myself out of bed in the mornings during this pregnancy. Maybe I'm lazy, but whatever it is, my big fat belly gets lost in all those comfy covers and does NOT want to get out in the mornings. Plus is was raining when I woke up. If I would have gotten up at 7 I could have ran. Coulda woulda shoulda!

I have major plans for some life changes when the baby comes, and one of them involves becoming an early morning runner, something I have never been before, but I have never been a runner with a newborn and a full time working husband, so things are a little different this time around. I have always had the luxury of running when I could fit it nicely into my day but as I get older... wiser?... I don't really want to run later, I want to run earlier. This means becoming a morning runner so I can be there for my family the rest of the day. I'm ok with that transition but I beat myself up about not doing it now. I'm not a wait till later kind of girl, I'm a if I wanna do it I'm gonna do it now and not in a month kind of girl. I don't do new years resolutions, I do right now resolutions. But just continuing running during my pregnancy seems to be about the most that I can muster up right now, starting new challenging traditions seems to be beyond exhausting. One thing I have read many times over is to not start anything new when pregnant. Ok... you don't have to twist my arm.

I still feel like a failure when I "fail", and not running TWICE this week for my running challenge is definitely failing. But I had no choice today with a baby shower and my nephews birthday party (and yes that also means 2 pieces of cake!). But I won't give up and I wont deter from continuing the Runners World holiday running streak. Tomorrow is a new day!! I'll beat myself up about it tonight, and get back to the pavement tomorrow for a change.

On the plus side, I bought a new phone and new shoes. The shoes I will for sure run in when I get them, but Ill put them back in the box until after I have the baby. I don't want to mess them up with my over-weight foot stretched out ness. I'd rather tear up my shoes that are about 200 miles past their life, and break out the new ones along with my new tradition post baby. The new phone means lots of pics. I couldn't take pics with my old phone. I'm excited!!

What do you do when your traditions go awry? How do you get back on track?

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