You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Friday, January 25, 2013

36+ weeks pregnant update and a baby bump pic. Also, what's my favorite food?

Yes, I am still here. And so is my belly. It's been slightly difficult writing a runners blog when I am not really running right now. It's officially been a month of no running. Not the first time I have stopped for that long, and I have always bounced back well. So as long as this baby comes soon, we will be ok. 

So here is a pic of my bump. I am 36 weeks and 3 days. That's enough time to bake this boy right? Apparently not. 

Weight as of this morning: 151.2

That is just over 26 lbs gained. Not too shabby still. I am impressed it didn't shoot up when I stopped running, but I'm not really over eating by any means, so that helps I'm sure. I am seeing the Dr. every week now which stinks cause he is so far away! I had an internal test that measured that I am not at all dilated at this point. I was hoping I was, but apparently your dilation doesn't determine anything on how soon you are going to deliver. I also got to have an unplanned ultra sound at my apt. When the dr measured my belly I only measured 33cm (your supposed to match your weeks for the most part) so I got checked out to see what was up. Everything looked good and I got to see some huge baby cheeks!!! (on the face)

Baby weighed in at 6lbs 5oz. So everything looks right on track :)

I haven't showered yet, so you get a belly only shot. 

But one thing we can talk about is food. What is my favorite food?

Well my FAVORITE food is probably vegan mexican food. Loads of black beans and veggies piled with guac and salsa rolled up in a tortilla... yummmm.... But my second favorite food, which I eat pretty much all the time is....

drum roll pleeeeasee!

My huge monstrous salads. 

Now that's not a regular sized bowl people. That's actually the bowl I mix it in. Why waste another bowl? I actually couldn't finish this bad boy. But they are great to save in the fridge, add some lettuce the next day and you get another meal!

I eat these all the time. With my husband working late shifts half the week, there are plenty of meals where its just me and C or even just me and I usually don't feel like cooking up something shnazy when it's just me. So I throw together these salads. 

My husband is constantly bringing home left over side salads from his work cause they will just throw them away at night. So I'll throw in 1-2 of those as my base. Then it varies what I put inside, but only slightly cause I like what I like. 

I always put in a protein. Usually hard boiled eggs. But if I don't have any eggs I'll add a veggie burger or if I have a veggie deli meat randomly in the fridge (kind of like a chef salad)

I ALWAYS add peas, onion, nuts (usually chopped almonds) and dried fruit (usually craisins)

Everything else can very. I rarely add cheese. If it is in the particular side salad he brings home Ill keep it in, but I never add it. 

All the other veggies that go in depend on what I have laying around. Sometimes tomatoes, sometimes broccoli, carrots, avocado. Really whatever I want. ITS MY SALAD!

There is usually way more veg then salad. So its kind of a veggie... salad... dish... thing. 

I NEVER add...

heavy dressings. Lite dressing or oil and vinegar, salt and pepper is all you need here people. 

never add croutons. The almonds give you enough crunch and there is enough carbs in this bad boy already.

Only add one fat. If you add cheese dont add avocado, egg yolk, other fats. And visa versa. I find avocado to be the best fat cause when you stir it in it coats kind of like a dressing, reducing the need for a dressing. 

My favorite thing about these salads is that they take forever to eat. So if your alone and have a habit of just over munching cause you have nothing else to do, these are the way to go. Maybe I just eat really slowly, but by the time I have finished this bad boy I don't care to munch on anything else. I'll probably have some fruit in an hour as a snack though. 

And the nutrition... out of this world. 

On another note.

I made a mobile for the baby. My husband painted this entire wall with trees and birds. He added the bible verse 

"He will cover you with His feathers and under his wings you will find refuge" Psalms 41:9 (I think!)

Then I took a branch that was used as a centerpiece from our wedding (see it stuck to the wall) and made a bunch of origami cranes and attached it to them and we hung it right above his crib.

How cute is that!!

I know... I'm pretty creative :)

What is your go to meal when you are home alone for dinner?

Do you have any tricks to getting loads of nutrition in in one meal?

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