You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What I wouldn't give for a treadmill

It's been almost 2 weeks since my little guy was born. Woo hoo!!

It seriously doesn't get much cuter then this little guy

So how am I feeling you ask? Most of all I am a mix of emotions. 

1. I am exhausted. NOT exhausted enough to make sleep a priority of course, but too exhausted to make a conscious effort to do anything outside of the home. 

2. I am cold. It's freaking cold outside. Maybe if it wasn't so cold outside I would make way more of a conscious effort to do something outside of the home. And our heater is on the fritz. So I would much rather stay under a blanket with a baby on my belly then do much else. 

3. I am boooooored. Not bored enough to do anything outside of the home because of the previous 2 reasons, but bored enough to complain about it on my blog!!

4. I am anxious. I want to run, but again, not going outside with this little guy till it gets above freezing. Above 45 is really what I am looking for here. Right now, with the windchill it's like 15 degrees. 

So what am I going to do about it you ask? Nothing of course. 

Cause there is not much I can do about it. I have no car, so I can't go anywhere and it's too cold to do anything outside. So I will sit here and stare at the cutest face in the world for now. <3 p="">

But MAN what I wouldn't give for a treadmill


I hate this little saying. I love the treadmill. I have run half marathon distances on the treadmill and never got bored. It took me a loooong time to love the treadmill, just as it took me a long time to love running. They are both insanely boring until find your burning passion for it, and then frankly, it doesn't matter if you are on a treadmill, a road, a path, with headphones, without, with people, without... you just want to run. 

I think mostly because I am very thankful for the invention of the treadmill. Just as you will find any mom probably is. Without it I never would have been able to train as much as I did with my "first born son". Stealing any moment I could to get to the gym where he could scoot off to the day care and I could squeeze in a run. I have 2 hours? Done. If I had one at home I would probably be on it every freaking day.

So someone, please give me a treadmill for my house. I'll take good care of it. I promise. 

On a side note-

The other day my older son asked me if when I continued to have more babies if I would always love him the most because he was my first born son. 

I explained to him that it wasn't that I loved him more, but that me and him have a special relationship that I won't have with my other kids. Which is very true. 

So he said ok. Then asked if because he was my first born, if I loved him more then my other kids. 

I said well...

And he said - is that just the same question but different?

Man, I love that kid.

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