You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Saturday, February 16, 2013

1 week post baby and a little fitness eval.

Beautiful baby!

Yesterday was a week since I gave birth to my healthy, and sleepy, and way beautiful little baby boy. He was a tiny little 6lbs 14ozs 19inches long. Despite the fact that my delivery was extremely long (pushing 19 hours) it wasn't too hard. (really, what is the definition of "hard" when it comes to pushing a baby out of you) 

But all in all I came out in one piece. Outside of some seriously low blood pressure dips, nothing too bad happened. I didn't even tear (if you don't know what that means, then just leave it that way), which is major in recovery I can assume. I'd like to thank my little boy for that. 

A little skin to skin time anyone?

He's just about the proudest big brother ever. 

So yesterday, for the first time, I decided to get off my butt and whip out the yoga mat. I basically stopped doing yoga once my belly got in the way and focused on running while I was pregnant. I knew this was going to take a toll, but my desire to yog was almost non existent outside of some basic stretching. 

So I busted out about 15 minutes of sun salutation. 


Even my skin was out of shape. 

I use to be able to fold in half in almost every direction. One of the benefits of a dedicated yoga practice. Last night I could hardly get to a flat back and needed my block for almost every asana. It. was. rough. When lowering myself down through plank, I had to drop to my knees and could barely hang in that way, and during downdog I had to keep my head up above my heart. I don't know what that was about, I thought it was weird. 

So after 2-3 very slow sun salutations and some mild spine stretching I called it quits. I think two 15 minute sessions a day, with mostly looooong static stretching would be good to start out with now. I would love to walk as well, but it's about 25 degrees out and Im not taking this little baby out in that. 

I read a blog post about a girl who ran 5 days post birth. 


My body feels ok now. I was in a ton of pain until Thursday but have been feeling significantly better since then outside of my usual HORRIBLE sciatica issues, but I can still tell my hips are out of place. Im hoping the stretching will throw them back in place eventually. No running till they do.

My weight- 

People say to not weigh yourself. I have never used the number on the scale as anything but an evaluation of where I'm at. So I wanted to see where I stood. 

This morning I weighed 139.6. 


Half way there, about 15lbs lost, 15 lbs to go. Right now I am loosing about 1 lb a day, but I am sure it will slow once my body gets rid of what was baby and hangs on to what is just fat. 

I am breastfeeding and I am STARVING. Dieting is no where in my future. I eat very healthy, just as I always have, but man to I have a hankering for chocolate! Thank goodness my wonderful husband bought me a box of chocolates for valentines day, and m&ms, and he made dark chocolate cupcakes.... 


So for now that is where I stand. I'll see where I stand in another week, but for now I'll just take the fact that I showered AND blow dried my hair as a successful day.

Until then...

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