You have brains in your head, you have feet in your shoes, you can steer yourself any direction you choose.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Weekly half marathon training recap

And we're back!

Man it's been a while since I have blogged. Complete failure in the "I wanna be a blogger" world. Our computer crapped out on us for a week or so and when we got it fixed I just lacked to pick back up on the blog. I THOUGHT about writing all the time, but only when I wasn't in front of the computer. 

Does that ever happen to you?

So let's talk about my running week. I am BACK BABY! It's been 6 weeks since my beautiful baby was born, and I am officially pain free, and full strength!... as far as running goes... My yoga career is completely in the crapper right now due to a major hip issue. Which only sucks because yoga makes me money. Running I do pro bono... 

But I'm way bitter about it so lets not talk about it, ok? Kay.

So I have started official training for my Broke Man's Half Marathon that I am hosting on May 26th, (If your out and about in Columbus that day I suggest you stop on by!) and I am officially following a training schedule. I have talked many times about how bad I am at following an actual training schedule, I just run whenever and far ever I feel like for that day. I totally accredit that to the fact that I have never improved on my running skills in the past years. 

But this year I have plans. BIG PLANS! <-- nbsp="" p="">

My schedule is as follows

Tuesday short (3-4) 
Wednesday speed or tempo (30-40 min)
Thursday short (3-4)
Saturday/sunday long run/short run (whichever day I can manage)

That's 5 days a week. I'm not used to 5 days a week. And I'm not used to speedwork. Or getting up so freaking early!!

I am getting up at 5:30 and to the gym (WE SIGNED UP FOR A GYM MEMBERSHIP!!) at 6:15 and home in time to get my oldest up for school and send my husband off to work. It's been interesting but I ABSOLUTELY LOVE having my run done first thing. Trying to figure out when I was going to run was always so stressful throughout the day, but now by the time I'm eating breakfast I know that I have done my deed and can choose to do whatever strength or yoga I have for that day whenever I feel like it. It's very rewarding. 

Just in the past week I have become an official 9 min/miler. I have always been an official 10 min/miler. Sometimes running 9:45's or so's lately, but rarely anything faster. But after working on consistency and speed work my pace is a 9 and I usually jump down to an 8:30 for the last mile and still have some kick left at the end.

Did we talk about the fact that an 8:30 is BQ pace??

And I guess the good and the bad thing about it all is that I am STILL holding on to about 13 extra LB's of baby weight. 

*insert depressing sigh*

Bad in the sense that I can't seem to get this weight off!!! I am eating healthy, kicking my sugar habit I developed post pregnancy, exercising a ton, and breastfeeding exclusively. You would THINK something would budge. But its not. I know it will so I'm not pushing anything because of breastfeeding.

Juuuust waaaiiitiiiiiinnnngg.....

But the good thing about that that I can think of is that I am holding a 9min pace at this weight. So when I DO start to finally drop the pounds I can only hope that my time will improve tremendously. They say 4sec for every pound, so 4x13 (hold on while I grab the calculator) is 52seconds. Which brings me down to almost a beautiful 8min/mile. 

Oh the places you'll go...

Cute baby dump

If I don't move they wont know that smell is from me

Yoga focal point

Brothers <3 p="">

How is your spring training going?

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